Humble Leaders

  • 0%

of employees feel the leader is not giving appropriate direction *

  • 0%

of the American workforce is NOT engaged in their job *

  • 0%

of employees are not inspired about their institution's future *

* According to the State of the American Workplace Report by Gallup

disengaged employee frustrated

The management leadership model, as we know it today, often ignores the needs of the follower and fails the American workforce in all institutions.

We all recognize the disengaged employee

Mired in a stagnated workplace culture, they are primarily motivated by their paycheck and find fulfillment outside of work. Many within this set passionately dislike management and effectively poison other good employees with their negativity.

However, the American worker does have an innate desire to do a good job, and if their psychological and physical needs can be met, they will become more engaged.

Strategic plans have the capability to captivate and champion employees when spearheaded by great leaders who seek to foster inspiring, transformative relationships of mutual influence. Leadership with this aim will witness unmitigated growth in their followers, thus elevating their institutions to new heights of efficiency, creativity, and success.

Our Purpose

To inspire individuals in the institutions we serve to discover, develop, and dedicate their talents to the flourishing of others

The Miracle of Humble Leadership book

Hal Chappelear's Latest Book

The Miracle of Humble Leadership

Helping Good People Become Great

Coming Soon

Chairman, Advisory Council

Coming Soon

Executive for Education

Rachelle Munsey

Rachelle Munsey

Principal Editor and Writer

Hal Chappelear

Hal Chappelear

Senior Author