"This book should be on the must read list for someone that is looking to build a sustainable and highly productive culture that places the leader as a servant to their colleagues and community."
About the Book
With the number of leadership books available on the market, it’s not surprising that leadership is a skill that many aspire to achieve. But it can be overwhelming to find one method that stands out above all others.
Using his years of leadership experience, author Hal Chappelear offers a refreshing approach to leadership through the eyes of humility. The Miracle of Humble Leadership: Helping Good People Become Great hopes to inspire men and women in leadership positions to use humility to guide their actions, speech, and thoughts, leaving pride and selfishness out of the picture.
Whether you are hoping to gain leadership skills in your personal life, career, or your community, The Miracle of Humble Leadership will put you on the path to great success.

"Hal Chappelear is a modern-day Ben Franklin, focusing his readers on the nexus between effective leadership and the twin virtues of modesty and humility. Hal practices what he preaches, and it pays dividends. Those who follow his thoughtful approach to leadership will be well rewarded for the effort."
- Richard J. Himelfarb, Senior Vice President, Stifle Financial Corporation
"As I read Collins' book, 'Good to Great' or Sutton and Huggy's, 'Scaling Up Excellence', I thought of the challenge, 'How does one find pockets of excellence, influence and sustain a progressive transition, and do so without losing something in the process? Chappelear may have the answer. His focus on humility, leading in such a way that each 'follower' is recognized and respected for what he or she has to offer, engenders a level of engagement that creates fertile soil for continued growth. I suggest that an individual interested in the pursuit of excellence read carefully, internalize, and apply the principles offered in this book."
- James A. Ac. Kennedy, CEO, T. Rowe Price (Retired)