Organizations pursue development to implement practices, systems, and techniques to support sustainability and anticipated change. Change is necessary to take advantage of social reform, emerging opportunities, and other important factors, including the negative impact of aging infrastructure and workforce. Organizations may be compared to "down escalators" in your shopping mall; they will take their "occupant" to the lower level unless countervailing forces prevail.
- Organizations must maintain an upward momentum
- Engaged people are essential to institutional growth
- Humble leaders encourage engagement through small groups
Strategic Planning
The strategic plan is a road map that provides necessary guidance for all people within an institution. It is a vision of what the institution intends to be over a predetermined period, established specific steps to be taken, and necessary measurements reflecting achievement. It guides the investment of time, talent, and financial and other resources.
- Vision
- Purpose
- Values
- Goals (Themes)
- Strategies
- Tactics (Action steps)
- Required resources
- Metrics
The plan must be "owned" by the people. Leadership is essential.